With about 64 percent of Idaho land, for instance, still controlled by the federal government and the state having entered the Union in 1890, Congress is clearly failing to follow the Constitution. This land should have been fully given over to Idaho more than 125 years ago.
Furthermore, much of the federally controlled land is either completely off limits to the public or access severely limited. For example, the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness, which covers over 2.3 million acres of land in Idaho, is more or less off limits to people. The restrictions are quite severe. A group of up to twenty may stay for a maximum of fourteen days in the wilderness and must follow the stated “Leave No Trace” rules. These rules include packing out your own feces if traveling by boat up the Salmon River, not being able to use dish soap or bathing soap within two hundred feet of water, only using trails, and camping at least two hundred feet away from water and trails (which you are supposed to stay on).
— Chapter 4, pg. 115