Qualification and Eligibility

With the recent departure of Joe Biden from the presidential election and the coronation of Kamala Harris in his place, it would be wise for us to review what the qualification and eligibility are for the several elected offices found in the US Constitution. My purpose here is to clarify what people think are qualifications and what are not, especially …

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The Politics of Confusion

A well-known line and popular meme from a popular movie read “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” In many ways, this line from the Princess Bride perfectly describes the politics of today. The popular words of liberal and conservative have taken on different meanings for different people in different times, …

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Idaho State Constitutional Convention

Over the past several months, I have written a variety of articles concerning the actions taken by the governor because of the government created crisis (The American Crisis – March 2020) — not the crisis of the virus itself but the government’s response to the crisis — the legislature’s ineptness and unwillingness to squelch the despotic actions of …

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Governor Brad Little, Felon-in-Chief?

Nearly three months ago, Governor Brad Little decreed an extreme emergency declaration, ordering citizens to remain home. While his motivation may have been out of genuine concern for Idahoans, one could argue his actions have been that of a benevolent dictator, at the very least. In a previous article, Charges Against Governor Brad Little, I demonstrated his numerous violations …

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License to Kill

One thing is becoming clearer with each passing day that governments lock-down its citizens, deprives them of their ability to make a living, trample the unalienable rights of citizens to peaceably assemble, practice their religion, receive due process by trial because of some violation of a law, violated liberty to move about without harassment and use public property that would …

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Charges Against Governor Brad Little

First, a little background, a little history of where we came from and who we are. Obviously to some, this first paragraph is from the Declaration of Independence with some slight changes.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are …

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